Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oh, how do I start...?

After taking a relatively lengthy amount of time, I've decided to start blogging. It's a random thought, but, for those who know me, I'm a random girl.

The odds were against me in making this blog. School, work, CEC, family, friends, my health, and of course, my dog, are all factors which demand my attention. Yet, I felt this tug to put into writing my thoughts, ideas, recipes, etc.

Thankfully, this is the beginning of spring break, so putting together a blog is actually feasible! Don't worry though, as many of my friends know, I tend to pull an ungodly amount of all nighters during the school year, so I'm sure I'll find time to post in a semi-regular fashion.

I'm so excited for what is to come, and I hope you are too!

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